Tuesday, September 25


"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” Lao Tzu

Most of us have been there and done that. Right?

We have been in love. Some of us are still there. Some of us lost it. Some of us understood that was not our true love. Some of us yearn for it. Some of us witnessed the romantic love to transform.

Then came decisions for more serious things, commitment issues and marriage. We got married, we are preparing to get married, we want to get married. Or maybe we were once married now single again. Afraid to cope with after marriage issues and insecurities. (Or relieved and free!). Maybe we do not want to get married. Maybe we are happy singles who wants to enjoy life without external pressures. Or thinking about divorce. Does it help or worsen? Do people tend to do the same things over and over again? Why bother? Or is it the same thing?

There is a lot to talk about.

In my life I fall in and out of love. I got married, I had a divorce. I am getting married for the second time. I have aunts and nieces, a lot of woman in my family, also many friends. In the future I want to encourage people who has "been there" to share their experiences with us. This involves personal matters, feelings, the inner work we have been through, the pain, the relief, also practical advices to men and women.

I thing my first focus will be on my personal issues about marriage. I am in the middle of planning my own wedding. (Therefore have some experience on what not to do.)
During my first marriage and divorce I had difficult times, I did a lot of thinking and reading. So I want to share my opinions on those matters as well as book reviews that did me well during the process.

I hope it goes well.
Cheers everyone!

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